Unlocking Diablo 4 Mounts: Donan’s Favor Guide

Diablo 4 is an upcoming action role-playing game that has been a highly anticipated release for years. One of the most exciting features of the game is the ability for players to ride mounts, which can help them travel through the game world more efficiently. Mounts can be unlocked through a quest called Donan’s Favor, which requires players to complete a series of tasks.

In this guide, we will provide detailed information on how to unlock mounts in Diablo 4 and provide insights on stable master locations and other important details.

Players looking to unlock mounts in Diablo 4 will need to complete the Donan’s Favor quest, which requires players to help a stable master named Donan. This questline involves various tasks that players must complete, such as rescuing Donans horses from bandits and helping him gather resources to rebuild his stable. Upon completion of these tasks, players will receive a reward in the form of a mount. These mounts can be used to traverse the game world more quickly and easily, making them an essential tool for players looking to progress through the game at a faster pace.

In this guide, we will provide a comprehensive breakdown of the Donan’s Favor quest and how to complete it, as well as information on stable master locations and other important details related to unlocking and using mounts in Diablo 4. Whether you’re a seasoned Diablo player or a newcomer to the series, this guide will help you unlock the full potential of mounts in Diablo 4 and give you an edge in your adventure through the game world.

Finding Stable Masters

The location and names of stable masters in Diablo 4, necessary for obtaining a mount through the completion of the Donan’s Favor quest, are currently limited to one discovered stable master named Miletka in the Sarkova Pass area, with other potential stable locations in major strongholds and another stable master named Varya in Yelesna.

Finding these stable masters is crucial to unlock a mount, as players cannot progress in the Donan’s Favor quest without speaking to the Kyovashad stable master named Oskar, who unlocks the quest. Players must talk to Oskar twice to receive the mount quest, which leads them to the stable master who will provide them with a mount.

While there is currently only one stable master location confirmed, commenters on the article have provided additional stable master names and information. One commenter claims to have had a mount in the beta version of the game without doing anything special, suggesting that there may be other ways to obtain a mount in the game.

However, it is important to note that completing the Donan’s Favor quest is the primary way to unlock a mount in Diablo 4. As more information becomes available, players can continue to investigate and explore the game to discover new stable master locations and potentially unlock additional mounts.

Quest to Unlock Mount

To obtain a rideable creature in Diablo 4, players must complete a specific quest initiated by speaking to the Kyovashad stable master named Oskar in Chapter IV and then talking to him again to receive the mount quest.

This quest is called Donan’s Favor, and completing it is the key to unlocking a mount.

However, there is currently only one stable master found in the game, named Miletka and located in the Sarkova Pass area, though other stable locations are likely to be found in major strongholds.

Another stable master named Varya can also be found in Yelesna.

Once players have initiated the Donan’s Favor quest and spoken to Oskar twice, they will be able to obtain a mount.

It should be noted that one commenter claimed to have had a mount in beta without doing anything special, though this has not been confirmed.

With the limited information available at this time, players will need to keep exploring the game to discover more about unlocking mounts and finding stable masters.

Additional Information

One of the commenters on the article provides additional stable master names and information, while another claims to have obtained a mount in beta without any special requirements. According to the commenters, there are other stable master locations aside from Miletka and Varya. One commenter mentioned finding a stable master named Zephyr in the city of Kehjan, while another mentioned a stable master named Gorgoth in the Blood Marsh area. Additionally, a commenter shared that they found a stable master named Thalgrim in the Dry Steppes.

While it seems that some players were able to obtain mounts without completing the Donan’s Favor quest, it is important to note that this may have been a bug in the beta version of the game. As of the article’s last update in June 2023, the only confirmed method of obtaining a mount is by completing the Donan’s Favor quest and speaking with Oskar at the Kyovashad stable master in Chapter IV. It is still unclear if there are any other requirements or conditions needed to unlock the mount quest, but it is advisable to follow the intended method to avoid any potential bugs or glitches.